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here, at b: pilates, we work (and play) together to get seriously strong, seriously flexible, and seriously resilient—all without taking ourselves too seriously.

I’m a certified Pilates teacher, which means I’ve been trained extensively in anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, and functional movement.

I understand that no two bodies are alike, so I work with you to get strong at the pace and rhythm that works for you.

I know how to keep you safe and help you get where you want to go.

Especially to places that just might surprise your past self.


hi, I’m brenda

I specialize in:

  • Pilates

  • Functional Movement

  • Triathlon Training Components

Only half-jokingly, I call myself a Movement Negotiator. As a competitive Xterra triathlete, I’ve found that Pilates training gives me the edge I need to compete at the world level. Whatever your goals, my goal is to bring a (hopefully infectious) positive energy to all my classes.

my students have described my teaching style as encouraging, observant, and entertaining.



  • Bachelor of Science Biology

  • Completed Master's level course in Exercise Physiology

  • Pilates Method Alliance (PMA) Certified

  • National Pilates Certification Program (NPCP) Certified

  • Licensed Pilates for Buff Bones® Teacher

  • STOTT Pilates Certified

  • TRX® Suspension Trainer

  • Functional Movement Systems (FMS) Certified

  • International Sports Science Association (ISSA)— Elite Trainer/Exercise Therapy (certification in progress)

  • Barre Above® Certified (certification in progress)

my story

“I was introduced to Pilates through a friend, while I was working toward a Bachelor's degree in Lincoln, Nebraska. Having experienced back pain and many injuries through life on the farm, siblings, high school and college athletics, I was delighted to find pain relief through Pilates matwork classes.

My body awareness increased, my balance and flexibility improved, and my muscular imbalances were addressed. I was enlightened while also experiencing the feel of muscles that I didn't even know about previously. I wanted to learn more.

At the time, I was also teaching part-time as a fitness instructor for the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, so I took the leap and headed down the Pilates path.

I completed my first matwork training course in 2003. I later traveled to train with Rise Karns of STOTT Pilates and discovered the Pilates equipment. After a couple of years and more education, I left Nebraska for sunny Tucson.

Following additional injuries, experiences, and education, I still find the Pilates Method my go-to movement practice. I attempt to be an athlete from time to time—running half-marathons, competing in sprint triathlons, teaching spin classes, and more. I strive to help others find relief from pain and work toward their movement goals.

I love hearing from my 87-year-old client about her gardening and how she can still get out and visit with friends with less worry about falling. I get excited working with a Boston marathon runner as she improves her strength and speed. Office athletes, let us not forget about them.

Whether working to address rehabilitation from an injury, build fitness, improve posture, and have stress relief from the office, Pilates is for everyone. No matter where you are on the fitness/mobility spectrum, you can learn how to move better. Different moments in our lives have different demands and we can keep moving with them.

I'm constantly learning what the body can do, what we maybe shouldn’t do, and what we can continue to teach ourselves. Being active is important to me as well as knowing how to de-stress and being able to just 'chill'. All are a part of wellness.