slow down, sharp turn!

Aloha all!

I just finished reading the race report I wrote one year ago this week after racing in the Xterra World Championships. I found myself emotional while re-reading it.

Brenda at xterra world championship

The 2019 Xterra World Championships were held this past weekend in Maui. Yes, I qualified. No, I did not go and compete. While I earned the West Region Champion title for my age group this year, it was a year to pass on my spot in Hawaii.

This year has been full of new experiences and challenges. I started out the year looking for just that, new adventures and getting more race experience on different courses. I needed to grow and learn more; as I still do.

I found myself in Alabama back in May, taking on a calm lake, a twisting, rooty bike course, and a hot run. The bike course was one for the books. It included fast roller coaster trails with sections of exposed roots and sharp turns.

It was here that I hit the ground on one of those turns right as someone completed the words ‘slow down, sharp turn’. I confirmed that right back to them; they were right, it was a sharp turn.

I once again dealt with legs craps on the run and have vowed to figure out my nutrition and training to reduce those. (Still working on that one).

In June, I attended the Deuces Wild Festival and Xterra Race. It was three years ago at this race where a few of us decided to “try out” an Xterra race. We wanted to see what it was all about.

Fast forward to now, racing two full years in and earning qualifications to the World Championships both last year and this year. It has been quite the trip.

I found myself in Beaver Creek, Colorado in July riding my mountain bike up the side of a ski mountain for another Xterra Race. That climb was no joke. I did it though. I made that 4,000-foot elevation gain on the bike but it was not easy. Going back down the mountain was not a piece of cake either. It was fun and a bit scary, causing me to hike my bike down a section.

Utah and the Pan American championships found me in September. I had unfinished business with this course from 2018 where I, though having crossed the finish line, spent a couple hours with the fine staff of the medical tent.

This year, I vowed to not end up in the medical tent (though I learned also to not be scared of that big tent, they are amazing!). I finished the Pan American championships this past September on my feet and not needing any assistance to carry myself to food afterwards.

Sometimes it’s the small accomplishments that often make the biggest impacts on the day.

I’ve already started planning my race schedule for 2020 and have the 2020 Xterra World Championships on there! Until then, I will find other races to keep me moving and on goal. I will also soon be one of a duo team for a mountain bike race in three weeks.

What’s next on your schedule? What about next year?

This is now your one-year notice… I will go back to Hawaii and the Xterra World Championships next year!

I’m looking forward to more firsts and more PRs (personal records) on courses I repeat.

studio news

We’ve had other ‘firsts’ lately in the studio. We have have been moving equipment and furniture outside the studio door to accommodate for the fabulous attendance to the Saturday mat Pilates classes. Please do not stay home thinking that there isn’t room. We have discovered that thirteen adults is the capacity for our little studio and we’ve yet to turn anyone away.

Claire O'Connor