what's next for you?


Running a marathon. Competing in a triathlon. Going on an intense hike.

What makes people decide to do these sorts of things? Why not just enjoy the morning walk with the dogs? Why do some people need ‘more’? Are they hard-wired to push the limits, or is it a learned behavior?

The same question could be turned around for many others. Office athletes, for example. What defines people who are driven to sit for hours on end at a computer and desk to work on books, drafting grants, or those who stare at numbers and yet, understand them!

Where are you in this? Are you someone who isn’t happy until they’ve run six miles for the day? Are you happier after delving into a book for two or three hours? If you know me, I am a happier person if I have gotten movement in for the day.

What drives you? How can you be more than you were yesterday?

‘Life should be a series of daring adventures launched from a secure base.’

I heard this just the other day. There are different references to where it comes from and different meanings based on background or context. So, taking it as just that statement, what does it mean to you?

For myself, it means to go big! But to remember where you came from.

It means to challenge oneself, to do more and be more than I am at this moment. Don’t let life pass you by. Work hard to play hard. It also reminds me to keep strong and to return home. To remember where things started or launched from. Good or bad, your path started somewhere.

I was always mover per-se but have found that I enjoy a bigger challenge. I am not a desk person. I do not like working on accounting and creating charts. There is a reason you don’t get weekly emails from me. I am a hands-on learner. I believe I has hard-wired to move but have learned to explore and push the limits (within reason of course). I got into a routine for years and settled into the day and day before I got pulled back out and into what I call the ‘What’s Next’ lifestyle. Which I love by the way.

What’s Next… meaning where can I race next, what new trail do I get to explore, and of course…

“Who’s idea is that and where can I sign up”. It’s exhilarating, awakening, sometimes challenging, and even tiring. It’s an accomplishment in my day, not an obligation. It’s part of what I work for.

so, what’s your next adventure?

It might not happen tomorrow or next week, but what’s calling you? How can I help?

Don’t get me wrong, I am not degrading book reading, scrapbooking, quilting, or any other less physical movement activities. Those are great too. The adventure or accomplishment or goal can be found in absolutely anything! Getting lost in the adventure / story of a book is great. Just, where are you going from here? From this moment?

Is it any one of the following classes?

studio news

  • Monday 5:30 pm Mixed-Level Pilates Matwork

  • Thursday 10:00 am Pilates for Buff Bones, mixed level Pilates Matwork

  • Thursday 5:30 pm Mixed-Level Pilates Matwork

  • Saturday 9:30 am Mixed-Level PilatesMatwork

We should be on schedule for these classes the rest of the month unless otherwise notified.

  • Wednesday morning 9:00 is with Charlotte. Contact her if you’d like to attend her Active Senior Group. (858) 245-0532

All other sessions are by appointment.

Marly, Hilary, and I may have equipment session options. Contact me for more information.

And a Big THANK YOU, to my class participants, for including my sister-in-law and niece in on the classes. They enjoyed their studio time but mostly they enjoyed YOU. You were are incredibly inviting and a wonderful part of their visit. From joining you all as you picked on me to later swapping recipes with some of you, they felt welcomed. Cheers to you!

Claire O'Connor