our coronavirus precautions

Dear Pilates Family,

During these times of heightened concerns about the flu, coronavirus, and more, please be reassured that at b: pilates, we are committed to continuing to provide you with a safe place to move.

  • Our policy has always been to clean equipment after every class and session, and we will continue to be vigilantly committed to this practice

  • Hand sanitizer continues to be available for all to use in the studio and we invite you to use it before and after each class/session

  • We encourage thorough hand-washing immediately before and after each class/session

This new virus will affect all of us differently and we ask for your assistance in maintaining a clean, safe, and welcoming environment.

If you do not feel 100% healthy, please, we request that you to stay home and take care of yourself.

Please take the necessary precautions for you and your family at home and your extended Pilates family as well. In this situation, not sharing is caring.


NOTE: For everyone’s protection, if your teacher feels that you have arrived at class unwell, you’ll be lovingly asked to go home and take care of yourself.

And now, let us pause for a message from George Takei:


Visit azhealth.gov/COVID19 for the latest COVID-19 information in the state of Arizona and pima.gov/COVID19 for information in Pima County.

Claire O'Connor