temporary COVID studio closure

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To my Pilates Family,

As of today, Wednesday, March 18, b: pilates / Engage Penguin Studios is temporarily closing following the emergency COVID-19 order announced yesterday by Tucson Mayor, Regina Romero.

All group classes and sessions are and will be canceled for the time being.

My priority is your well-being.

I appreciate your continued support and understanding in these times of uncertainty. Many of you with whom I've been in personal contact are feeling unease these days about what is the right thing to do as we go out about errands, appointments, and social engaging. In closing the studio doors, I feel I am helping us all make the right decision as this virus is unpredictable.

Please be patient with yourself and those around you as we all move through this experience. While Arizona has few cases reported, we are doing our part to help keep it that way.

I'm prepping and planning video classes to get to you — for FREE. As this is a new format with its own learning curve, I appreciate you in advance for your grace.

Other potential options are small outdoor classes/meet-ups and FaceTime or Skype sessions.

Please contact me for more information.

Keeping up regular physical activity is essential to our physical and mental health. I ask you to find a way to move. If you need suggestions or assistance, please reach out.

Remind yourself of what is important in order to boost your immune health—now and for the future:

  • Physical movement

  • Eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables

  • Hydrating often

  • Getting adequate sleep

  • Scheduling in downtime and nervous system rest

  • Moderation in drinking

  • Refrain from smoking

  • And wash those hands!

For anyone who has prepaid for classes these upcoming weeks, don’t worry—prepayments will be carried forward to the next class we can host. Refunds can also be made available.

I will continue to keep you updated on when we can and will open again.

Please reach out with any concerns, questions, or positive support. ;)

Be well. Be kind. Be patient. Be positive. Be thoughtful. Be moving.


Brenda Andreasen.jpeg
Claire O'Connor